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: Audition information:
AUDITIONS will be held on Wed, Nov. 6 and Thurs, Nov. 7 @ 2:15pm in the Chorus room (202) A sign up sheet will be outside on the Drama Club Board. Sign up to audition on one of those days.
You will need to prepare one the following pieces below from the show as your audition song (female song and male song).
You will sing with the KARAOKE VERSION below at the audition
Girls: "Happy To Keep His Dinner Warm"
Boys: "Brotherhood Of Man"
Use the following videos for practice purposes
Happy To Keep... WITH voice
Your part starts at 0:55 and stops at 1:42
Happy To Keep... WITHOUT voice (Karaoke version)
Brotherhood Of Man... WITH voice
Your part starts at 0:53 and stops at 1:42
Brotherhood Of Man.... WITHOUT voice
(Karaoke version)
Click below for HOW TO SUCCEED Synopsis and Roles!
Happy To Keep AUDITION.mp3Artist Name
00:00 / 00:50
Brotherhood Of Man AUDITION.mp3Artist Name
00:00 / 00:47
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