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Audition info:

(if you are viewing this on a phone, audio files may be at bottom of page)
 AUDITIONS will be held on Mon, Oct. 16 and Tues, Oct. 17 @ 2:45pm in the Chorus room (202)
A sign up sheet is outside on the Drama Club Board. Sign up to audition on one of those days.

You will need to prepare the following pieces below from the show as your audition song.
You will sing with the KARAOKE VERSION below at the audition.

Girls: "Honey, Honey"
click here for music and lyrics- Honey, Honey
Use the following mp3's for practice purposes


Boys: "S.O.S."

click here for music and lyrics- S.O.S.
Use the following mp3's for practice purposes
EVERYONE: "Thank You For The Music".
click here for music and lyrics- TYFTM
CALLBACKS (if you get one) will be held on Thur. Oct 19 @ 2:45pm 
Performance Dates: March 14-17, 2024



S.O.S. with Vocals
00:00 / 01:13
S.O.S. Kararoke
00:00 / 01:14
Honey, Honey w/voice
00:00 / 02:01
Honey, Honey Karaoke
00:00 / 01:04
00:00 / 00:59
00:00 / 01:06
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